Effect of FeD and FeO on 64Cu clearance and 14C-sucrose clearance from the CSF by in situ ventriculo-cisternal brain perfusion. The artificial CSF (aCSF) containing either 64CuCl2 or 14C-sucrose was infused into the lateral ventricle of the rat brain and the CSF effluent was collected from the cistern magna. (A) 64Cu clearance. Cuout, Cu concentration in the collected cisternal effluent; Cuin, Cu concentration in the perfusate into the lateral ventricle. (B) 14C-sucrose clearance 14C-sucroseout, 14C-sucrose concentration in the collected from the cisternal effluent; 14C-sucrosein, 14C-sucrose concentration in the perfusate into the lateral ventricle. Data represent mean ± SEM, n=5-6.