Figure 3.
SEC/ICP-MS 11B profiles of the material released by Driselase treatment of bryophyte walls. A, The 11B profiles of the material solubilized from Bryopsida walls with Driselase. 1, H. oldhamii; 2, D. denudatum; 3, L. cavifolium; 4, P. riparioides; 5, P. japonicum; 6, P. juniperum; 7, S. palustre; and 8, T. ceratophylla. B, The 11B profiles of the material solubilized from Hepaticopsida and Anthocerotopsida walls with Driselase. 1, B. pompeana; 2, C. conicum; 3, M. polymorpha; 4, P. subciliata; and 5, P. carolinianus. Cell walls (5-10 mg) were suspended in 15 mm ammonium acetate (1 mL), pH 5.0, containing Driselase (5 mg). The mixture was shaken for 20 h at 30°C and then centrifuged. The suspension was filtered through a 0.45-μm nylon membrane, and a portion (200 μL) of the soluble material was analyzed by SEC/ICP-MS. The 11B ion count scale is shown by the vertical bar (1 × 104 counts s-1). This scale is ×40 more sensitive than the corresponding scale in Figure 2. The 11B signal for boric acid corresponds to the large peak beginning at approximately 13 min. The maximum intensity of this signal was between 1.6 and 7.0 × 105 counts s-1. No borate cross-linked RG-II was detected in a control sample containing Driselase alone.