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. 2011 Aug 1;11:612. doi: 10.1186/1471-2458-11-612

Table 1.

Recruitment and questioning procedure

Country Recruitment procedure Interview method
Brazil Random selection from a list obtained from Telephone*1 and
COPD patient associations [telephone face-to-face*2
interviews], in front of major hospitals, and
within a variety of public areas with high
footfall rates, including parks and squares
[face-to-face approach]. The towns and
cities included São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro,
Belo Horizonte, Fortaleza, Porto Alegre,
Curitiba, Vitoria, Recife, and represent most
regions within the country.
China Shanghai was selected as a metropolitan Face-to-face*3
city. It was divided into 300 regions. 40
regions were randomly selected [the target
sample size for each region was 10
participants]. The interviewer selected the
starting point using a random method,
usually the crossing point of two major
roads. The interviewer then selected every
fifth property using the right-hand rule
[always turn to the right for the next potential
respondent]-side of the particular street
Germany Random selection from a list obtained from Telephone*1
fieldwork, recruitment agencies and the
database at the CRO, self-help groups,
COPD patient associations, deustsche-] and panelists of online
Turkey Two representative cities were selected Face-to-face*3
from each of the six geographical regions:
Marmara [Istanbul and Bursa], Aegean
[Izmir and Manisa], Central Anatolia [Ankara
and Kayseri], Black Sea [Samsun and
Trabzon], Mediterranean [Adana and
Antalya] and Eastern Turkey [Diyarbakir and
Elazig]. The districts and the streets within
each city were randomly selected. A
stratified random sample of buildings was
used. The interviewers adopted a walking
rule for each street, approaching the
occupant at every fourth property on the
right-hand-side. All work places were also
contacted within each of these buildings.
UK 6-8 participants were recruited from 40 Telephone*1
general practices and 25 pharmacies [at
least one per major town/city] and invited to
contact the researchers. The British Lung
Foundation regional groups and local
'Breathe Easy' groups also randomly
selected members.
US Random selection from a known list of Telephone*1
people diagnosed with: COPD obtained
from a market research organization

*1Interviews were conducted at a variety of times between 09:00 and 21:00, Monday-Sunday.

*2 Interviews were conducted in public places, including parks and outside a hospital.

*3 Door-to-door interviewing employing the stated sampling criteria.