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. 2011 Aug;13(8):551–558. doi: 10.1111/j.1477-2574.2011.00327.x

Table 1.

Characteristics of patients with gangrenous or non-gangrenous acute cholecystitis

Characteristics All patients (n = 290) Non-gangrenous acute cholecystitis group (n = 184) Gangrenous cholecystitis group (n = 106) P-value
 Male, n (%) 140 (48%) 72 (39%) 68 (64%) <0.001

 Age, years, median (range) 61 (18–94) 57 (19–92) 69 (18–94) 0.001

 BMI, median (range) 29.5 (16.9–58.3) 28.7 (17.6–51.7) 30.0 (16.9–58.3) 0.836

ASA class, n (%) 0.076

 I 54 (18%) 38 (21%) 16 (15%)

 II 158 (55%) 105 (57%) 53 (50%)

 III 72 (25%) 39 (21%) 33 (31%)

 IV 6 (2%) 2 (1%) 4 (4%)

Comorbidity, n (%)

 Ischaemic heart disease 40 (14%) 21 (11%) 19 (18%) 0.121

 Chronic renal failure 23 (8%) 14 (8%) 9 (9%) 0.789

 Diabetes 39 (13%) 19 (10%) 20 (19%) 0.040

 Chronic liver disease 10 (3%) 7 (4%) 3 (3%) 0.751

 COAD 18 (6%) 11 (6%) 7 (7%) 0.832

 Upper abdominal surgery 11 (4%) 7 (4%) 4 (4%) 1.000

Smoker, n (%) 61 (25%) 43 (27%) 18 (20%) 0.214

Glucosteroid use, n (%) 6 (2%) 3 (2%) 3 (3%) 0.673

Prior biliary colic, n (%) 141 (53%) 95 (56%) 46 (48%) 0.193

Emergency department referral, n (%) 260 (90%) 165 (90%) 95 (90%) 0.989

Duration, days, median (range)

 Symptoms to admission 1 (0–150) 1 (0–60) 1 (0–150) 0.115

 Admission to surgery 1 (0–14) 1 (0–10) 1 (0–14) 0.029

Vital signs at presentation, n (%)

 Fever (>38 °C) 67 (23%) 29 (16%) 38 (36%) <0.001

 Tachycardia (HR > 100 bpm) 61 (21%) 28 (15%) 33 (31%) 0.001

 Hypotension (BP < 100 mmHg) 19 (7%) 8 (4%) 11 (10%) 0.046

Findings at presentation, n (%)

 Muscular rigidity 51 (18%) 22 (12%) 29 (27%) 0.001

 Murphy's sign positive 160 (57%) 94 (54%) 66 (62%) 0.161

Laboratory tests, median (range)

 Haemoglobin, g/l 140 (90–182) 140 (90–182) 143 (100–171) 0.313

 White cell count, ×109/l 11.7 (1.4–32.4) 10.7 (3.7–32.4) 13.4 (1.4–29.0) <0.001

 Platelets, ×109/l 274 (73–893) 281 (73–893) 266 (69–528) 0.079

 CRP, mg/l 23 (0–500) 17 (1.0–380) 94 (0–500) 0.001

 Bilirubin, µmol/l 18 (5–152) 17 (5–152) 19 (8–148) 0.029

 ALT, U/l 36 (6–1381) 43 (6–1381) 26 (10–705) <0.001

 ALP, U/l 83 (28–487) 85 (36–487) 79 (28–234) 0.061

 GGT, U/l 41 (8–1290) 50 (8–1290) 30 (8–666) <0.001

 Albumin, g/l 39 (19–72) 39 (19–49) 39 (20–72) 0.552

 Amylase, U/l 67 (15–3286) 64 (15–3286) 72 (25–615) 0.158

 Lipase, U/l 24 (10–4270) 24 (10–4270) 25 (12–106) 0.443

 Urea, mmol/l 4.9 (1.5–73) 4.7 (1.5–73) 5.3 (1.5–29.8) 0.016

 Creatinine, µmol/l 77 (49–1070) 74 (49–394) 82 (49–1070) 0.001

 Bicarbonate, mmol/l 26 (17–62) 26 (17–62) 26 (17–34) 0.597

 Blood culture positive 10 (3%) 6 (3%) 4 (4%) 1.000

Radiological investigations, n (%)


  Diagnosis of acute cholecystitis 195 (71%) 113 (65%) 82 (80%) 0.012

  Gallbladder wall thickening 189 (69%) 109 (64%) 80 (76%) 0.031

  Pericholecystic fluid 81 (29%) 46 (26%) 35 (33%) 0.188

  CBD diameter, mm, median (range) 6 (1.2–15.0) 6 (2.0–15.0) 6 (1.2–12.0) 0.557

  CT diagnostic of cholecystitis, n (%) 39 (13%) 24 (13%) 15 (14%) 0.790

  MRCP diagnostic of cholecystitis, n (%) 8 (3%) 4 (2%) 4 (4%) 0.471

BMI, body mass index; ASA, American Society of Anaesthesiologists; COAD, chronic obstructive airways disease; HR, heart rate; BP, blood pressure; CRP, C-reactive protein; ALT, alanine transaminase; ALP, alkaline phosphatase; GGT, gamma-glutamyl transferase; CBD, common bile duct; CT, computed tomography; MRCP, magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography.

Missing values: BMI, n = 188; smoker, n = 41; glucosteroid use, n = 3; biliary colic history, n = 25; muscle rigidity, n = 1; Murphy's sign positive, n = 9; haemoglobin, n = 2; platelets, n = 3; white cell count, n = 3; CRP, n = 94; bilirubin, n = 5; ALT, n = 8; ALP, n = 5; albumin, n = 6; GGT, n = 6; amylase, n = 235; lipase n = 57; urea, n = 1; creatinine, n = 1; CBD diameter, n = 15; gallbladder thickening, n = 14; pericholecystic fluid, n = 8; MRCP status, n = 1; duration of surgery, n = 1.