Mash1 and Ngns are expressed in complementary patterns in the embryonic telencephalon. (A) A new Ngn2 null allele was generated by replacing the sequence encoding the bHLH domain with the lacZ reporter (Ngn2lacZKI). Schematic representation of the endogenous Ngn2 locus (top), Ngn2 targeting vector (middle), and recombined allele (bottom). Southern blot analysis of NotI–SpeI-digested ES cell genomic DNA with 5′ and 3′ external probes that recognize a common 20-kb wild-type band and 7.5- and 10.5-kb mutant bands, respectively. (B,C,E) Distribution of transcripts for Ngn1 (B), Ngn2 (C) and Mash1 (E) on frontal sections through the forebrain of E12.5 embryos. (D) X-gal staining of Ngn2lacZKI heterozygous embryos at E12.5. Ngn1 and Ngn2 are expressed in proliferating progenitors of the dorsal telencephalon and dorsal thalamus in an almost completely overlapping fashion. Mash1 is expressed in a complementary manner with transcripts at high levels in the VZ of the ventral telencephalon and ventral thalamus.