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. 2011 Jul 28;8:373. doi: 10.1186/1743-422X-8-373

Figure 2.

Figure 2

Phylogenetic trees. Similar tree topologies, based on the coding regions of the partial (S) 540-nucleotide S-, (M) 687-nucleotide M- and (L) 4,548-nucleotide L-genomic segments of AZGV, were generated by maximum-likelihood and Bayesian methods, under the GTR+I+Γ model of evolution. In these unrooted trees, the phylogenetic positions of AZGV are shown in relation to soricomorph-borne hantaviruses, including Tanganya virus (TGNV Tan826: EF050455, EF050454), Imjin virus (MJNV Cl05-11: EF641804, EF641798, EF641806), Thottapalayam virus (TPMV VRC66412: AY526097, EU001329, EU001330), Cao Bang virus (CBNV CBN-3: EF543524, EF543526, EF543525), Ash River virus (ARRV MSB73418: EF650086, EF619961), Jemez Springs virus (JMSV MSB144475: FJ593499, FJ593500, FJ593501), Seewis virus (SWSV mp70: EF636024, EF636025, EF636026), Kenkeme virus (KKMV MSB148794: GQ306148, GQ306149, GQ306150), Qiandao Lake virus (QDLV YN05-284: GU566023, GU566022, GU566021), Camp Ripley virus (RPLV MSB89863: FJ790772, EF540774, EF540771), Asama virus (ASAV N10: EU929072, EU929075, EU929078), Oxbow virus (OXBV Ng1453: FJ539166, FJ539167, FJ593497) and Nova virus (NVAV MSB95703: FJ539168, HQ840957, FJ593498). Also shown are Hantaan virus (HTNV 76-118: NC_005218, Y00386, NC_005222), Soochong virus (SOOV SOO-1: AY675349, AY675353, DQ562292), Dobrava virus (DOBV Greece: NC_005233, NC_005234, NC_005235), Seoul virus (SEOV HR80-39: NC_005236, NC_005237, NC_005238), Tula virus (TULV M5302v: NC_005227, NC_005228, NC_005226), Puumala virus (PUUV Sotkamo: NC_005224, NC_005223, NC_005225), Prospect Hill virus (PHV PH-1: Z49098, X55129, EF646763), Andes virus (ANDV Chile-9717869: NC_003466, NC_003467, NC_003468) and Sin Nombre virus (SNV NMH10: NC_005216, NC_005215, NC_005217). The numbers at each node are posterior probabilities, and the scale bars indicate nucleotide substitutions per site.