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Published in final edited form as: Clin Child Fam Psychol Rev. 2011 Sep;14(3):251–301. doi: 10.1007/s10567-011-0093-4

Table 1.

Studies examining bidirectional or directional relations between parenting and temperament

Authors (Year) Study design Temperament and parenting relation (* indicates significant association) r β or partial r
Infant/toddler studies
Arcus (2001) N = 94 Infant crying (O)–maternal attention to distress (O)* .33
4–14 Months Inhibition (O) ← maternal attention to distress (O)* n.a.
Longitudinal Inhibition (O) ← maternal limit setting (O)* n.a.
Bates et al. (1982) N = 168 Difficult (M,O)–maternal social contact (O)* .19
6 Months Difficult (M,O)–maternal teaching (O) –.01
Cross-sectional Difficult (M,O)–maternal satisfaction (O) –.12
Difficult (M,O)–maternal non-restrictiveness (O) .01
Belsky et al. (1991) N = 148 Negative emotionality (M,O) ← paternal involvement (O)* n.a.
3–9 Months Negative emotionality (M,O) ← maternal sensitivity (O)*
Longitudinal Negative emotionality (M,O) ← mat. unresponsiveness (O)*
Booth-LaForce and Oxford (2008) N = 1092 Dysregulated temperament (M) → secure attachment (O)* –.08
6–54 Months Dysregulated temperament (M) → insensitive parenting (O) n.s.
Braungart-Rieker et al. (1997) N = 57 Negative reactivity (M)–maternal guidance (O)* –.28
30 Months Negative reactivity (M)–maternal control (O)* .36
Braungart-Rieker et al. (2001) N = 94 Self-regulation (O)–maternal sensitivity (O)* .30
4–13 Months
Bridgett et al. (2009) N = 156 Negative emotionality–intercept (M) → negative parenting (M) n.s.
4–18 Months Negative emotionality–slope (M) → negative parenting (M)* .22
Longitudinal Regulatory capacity–intercept (M) → negative parenting (M)* –.23
Regulatory capacity–slope (M) → negative parenting (M)* –.61
Calkins (2002) N = 73 Frustration distress (O) → maternal negative control (O) –.10 –.25
18–24 Months Frustration distress (O) → positive guidance (O) –.05 n.a.
Calkins et al. (2004) N = 162 Frustration distress (M,O) → Maternal sensitivity (O) –.24
6 Months Frustration distress (M,O) → maternal intrusiveness (O)* .31
Cross-sectional Frustration distress (M,O) → physical stimulation (O)* –.46
Calkins and Johnson (1998a, b) N = 73 Frustration distress (O) → negative control (O) –-.27 n.s.
18 Months Frustration distress (O) → positive guidance (O) n.s. n.s.
Cross-sectional Frustration distress (O) → pre-emptive Interference (O)* .43 .43
Calkins et al. (1998) N = 65 Frustration distress (O)–positive guidance (O) n.a.
24 Months Frustration distress (O)–negative control (O)
Cross-sectional Impulsivity (O)–positive guidance (O)
Impulsivity (O)–negative control (O)
Chen et al. (1998) N = 118 Chinese Inhibition (O)–maternal acceptance (M)* .17/–.22
N = 82 Canadian Inhibition (O)–maternal rejection (M) –.18/.10
24.5 Months Inhibition (O)–encouragement of achievement (M)* .18/–.21
Cross-sectional Inhibition (O)–punishment (M)* .15/.21
Chinese/Canadian Inhibition (O)–encouragement of independence (M)* .18/.12
Inhibition (O)–protection (M)* .03/.22
Clark et al. (2000) N = 108 Negative emotionality (O) → power assertion (O)* .23 .22
8–15 Months Negative emotionality (O) → responsiveness (O) –.08 –.01
Crockenberg and Smith (1982) N = 56 Irritability (O) ← maternal attitudes about responsiveness (O)* –.28
0–3 Months Irritability (O) → maternal responsiveness to crying (O)* .33
Eiden et al. (2004) N = 226 Effortful control (O) ← Maternal warmth (O)* .40/.29 .29/.07
12–36 Months Effortful control (O) ← Paternal warmth (O)* .19/.25 .08/.21
Longitudinal boys/girls
Feldman et al. (1997) N = 48 Fussy-difficult (M) → Maternal sensitivity (O)* –.42 –.28
3–9 Months Fussy-difficult (M) → Intrusiveness (O) –.02 –.15
Feldman et al. (1999) N = 36 Self-control (O)–mother warm control (O)* .35 .22
3–9 Months Self-control (O) ← mother–infant affect synchrony (O)* .56 .51
Houck and Lecuyer-Maus (2004) N = 78 Delay ← maternal indirect limit setting (O)* n.a.
12–60 Months Delay ← maternal teaching limit setting (O)*
Longitudinal Delay ← maternal power-based limit setting (O)*
Kiel and Buss (2006) N = 72 Fearfulness (O) ← mother approach personality (M)* .15
24 Months Fearfulness (O) ← mother inhibited personality (M) n.s.
Kochanska et al. (2008) N = 102 Self-regulation (O) ← Mother mutually responsive orientation (O)* .51 .16
7–52 Months Self-regulation (O) ← Father mutually responsive orientation (O)* .28 .10
Longitudinal Self-regulation (O) ← mother power assertion (O)* –.45 –.20
Self-regulation (O) ← father power assertion (O)* –.52 –.29
Kochanska et al. (2004) Study 1: Anger (O) → maternal shared positive ambience (O)* –.32
N = 102 Anger (O) → maternal responsiveness (O) –.08
7 Months Anger (O) → maternal consistent tracking (O) –.15
Cross-sectional Fear (O) → maternal shared positive ambience (O)* .32
Study 2: Fear (O) → maternal responsiveness (O) .14
N = 112 Fear (O) → maternal consistent tracking (O) .12
9–45 Months Attention (O) → maternal shared positive ambiance (O) –.08
Longitudinal Attention (O) → maternal responsiveness (O) .02
Attention (O) → maternal consistent tracking (O) .16
Kochanska and Knaack (2003) N = 106 Effortful control (M,O) ← maternal power assertion (O)* –.54 –.37
14–45 Months
Kochanska et al. (2000) N = 106 Effortful control (M, O) ← maternal responsiveness (O)* .29 .22
9–33 Months
Lee and Bates (1985) N = 111 Difficult (M)–maternal prohibition (O) .14
6–24 Months Difficult (M)–maternal scolding (O) .03
Longitudinal Difficult (M)–maternal physical punishment (O) .01
Difficult (M)–maternal remove or restrain (O)* .23
Difficult (M)–maternal given into demand (O)* .16
Maccoby et al. (1984) N = 57 Difficult (M) → maternal teaching effort (O)* –.52/.33 –.57/–.12
12–18 Months Difficult (M) ← maternal teaching effort (O)* –.44/–.06
Longitudinal boys/girls Difficult (M)–physical manipulation (O) –.07/–.22 n.s.
Malatesta and Haviland (1982) N = 52 Negative emotionality (M,O) ← maternal contingent responding (O) n.s.
3–12 Months Negative emotionality (M,O) ← maternal anxiety (O) n.s.
Mills-Koonce et al. (2007) N = 148 Negative affect (O) → maternal sensitivity (O)* .17
6–12 Months
Morrell and Murray (2003) N = 59 Self-regulation (O) → maternal hostile parenting (O)* .35/.42
9 Months–8 years Self-regulation (O) → maternal coercive parenting (O)* .25/–.63
Nachmias et al. (1996) N = 77 Inhibition (O)–encouragement to approach (O)* .27
18 Months Inhibition (O)–demands to approach (O) n.s.
Longitudinal Inhibition (O)–comfort (O)* .44
Olson et al. (2002) N = 89 Impulsivity (O) ← maternal object stimulation (O)* .28
5 Months–8 years Impulsivity (O) ← maternal non-punitive (O)* .26
Longitudinal Impulsivity (O) ← maternal verbal stimulation (O) .22
Impulsivity (O) ← maternal affection (O) .04
Park et al. (1997) N = 125 Inhibition (O) ← paternal intrusiveness (O)* –.27
12–36 Months Inhibition (O) ← maternal intrusiveness (O)* –.26
Longitudinal Inhibition (O) ← paternal sensitivity (O) .09
Inhibition (O) ← maternal sensitivity (O) .01
Inhibition (O) ← paternal positive affect (O) .07
Inhibition (O) ← maternal positive affect (O) –.04
Inhibition (O) ← paternal negative affect (O)* –.20
Inhibition (O) ← maternal negative affect (O) –.18
Inhibition (O) ← paternal detachment (O) –.03
Inhibition (O) ← maternal detachment (O) .08
Pettit and Bates (1984) N = 128 Difficult (M,O)–maternal affection and caregiving (O)* –.28
6–13 months Difficult (M,O)–maternal teaching (O) n.s.
Longitudinal Difficult (M,O)–maternal management (O)* .49
Putnam et al. (2002) N = 58 Inability to delay (O)–maternal distraction (O)* –.27
30 months Inability to delay (O)–maternal reasoning (O)* .30
Cross-sectional Inability to delay (O)–maternal bargaining (O) .17
Inability to delay (O)–maternal indirect commands (O)* .31
Inability to delay (O)–maternal direct commands (O)* .27
Rubin et al. (1997) N = 108 Inhibition (O) ← fear × maternal oversolicitousness (O)* .08
24–27 Months
Scaramella et al. (2008) N = 47 Distress reactivity (O) ← Harsh parenting (O)* .53 .45
12–24 Months Distress reactivity (O) ← supportive parenting (O) –.15 –.00
Longitudinal Distress reactivity (O) → Harsh parenting (O) .06 .01
Distress reactivity (O) → Supportive parenting (O)* –.41 –.33
Sheese et al. (2007) N = 45 Impulsivity (P) ← parenting quality (O) × genetic variation of dopamine receptor D4* n.a. .15
18–21 Months
Siefer et al. (1996) N = 49 Difficulty (O)–maternal quality (O)* .31
4–12 Months Difficulty (O)–appropriateness (O)* .32
Silverman and Ragusa (1990) N = 41 Delay/impulsivity (O)–Maternal positive control (O)* .25
24 Months Delay/impulsivity (O)–Maternal strictness (O) –.29
Cross-sectional Delay/impulsivity (O)–Maternal aggravation (O) –.28
Delay/impulsivity (O)–Maternal encouragement of independence (O)* .43
van den Boom (1989) N = 30 Irritability (O) → maternal sensitivity/responsiveness (O)* n.a.
Irritability (O) ← maternal sensitivity/responsiveness (O)*
1–6 Months n.a.
van den Boom and Hoeksma (1994) N = 30 Irritability (O) → maternal responsiveness (O)* n.a.
1–6 Months
Preschool studies
Belsky et al. (2000) N = 125 US Inhibition (O) → maternal encouraging withdrawal (O)* .24*/.24
N = 100 Korean Inhibition (O) → paternal encouraging withdrawal (O) .05/–
3 Years Inhibition (O) → maternal discouraging withdrawal (O)* .33*/.41*
Cross-sectional Inhibition (O) → paternal discouraging withdrawal (O) .20/–
US/Korean Inhibition (O) → maternal encouraging approach (O)* .34*/.25
Inhibition (O) → paternal encouraging approach (O) .21/–
Inhibition (O) ← maternal encouraging withdrawal (O) –.09/.14
Inhibition (O) ← paternal encouraging withdrawal (O) .03/–
Inhibition (O) ← maternal discouraging withdrawal (O) .05/.21
Inhibition (O) ← paternal discouraging withdrawal (O) –.03/–
Inhibition (O) ← maternal encouraging approach (O) –.03/.27
Inhibition (O) ← paternal encouraging approach (O) –.04/–
Cole et al. (2003) N = 85 Expression of anger emotion (O)–maternal positive response (O)* .20/.65
5 Years Child positive response (O)–maternal expression of positive versus anger emotion (O)* .47/.38
Karreman et al. (2008b) N = 89 Effortful control (O) → maternal positive control (O)* .38
36 Months Effortful control (O) → paternal positive control (O) .15
Cross-sectional Effortful control (O) → maternal negative control (O) –.23
Effortful control (O) → paternal negative control (O) –.20
Effortful control (O) → maternal warmth (O) –.05
Effortful control (O) → paternal warmth (O) –.10
Kimonis et al. (2006) N = 49 Aggression (T) ← corporal punishment (M)* –.35
36–42 Months Aggression (T) ← inappropriate expectations (M) .00
Longitudinal Aggression (T) ← empathic awareness (M) –.21
Aggression (T) ← role reversal (M) –.16
Kyrios and Prior (1990) N = 120 Negative reactivity (M)–punishment (M, F)* .22 .17
44 Months Self-regulation (M)–use of rewards (M, F)* –.29 –.25
Lengua et al. (2007) N = 80 Effortful control (O) ← limit setting (O)* .27 .20
36–42 Months Effortful control (O) ← scaffolding (O)* .23 .23
Longitudinal Effortful control (O) ← warmth (O) .04 –.08
Effortful control (O) ← negative affect (O) –.17 .04
Lerner and Galambos (1985) N = 89 Difficult (M) ← maternal rejection (M)* .25
2–4 Years longitudinal Difficult (M) → maternal rejection (M)* .12
Martini et al. (2004) N = 94 Fear (M) → maternal regulation of emotion (M)* n.a.
4.4 Years Anger (M) → maternal regulation emotion (M)* n.a.
Mauro and Harris (2000) N = 30 Impulsivity (O) –teaching behaviors (focus on wait) (O)* .41
51 Months Impulsivity (O) –teaching behaviors (verbalizations) (O)* .33
Porter et al. (2005) N = 729 US
4–6 Years Emotionality (M, F)–father authoritarian (M)* .18/.22
Cross-sectional Emotionality (M, F)–mother authoritarian (F)* .38/.39
Boys/girls Emotionality (M, F)–father authoritative (M)* –.19/–.02
Emotionality (M, F)–mother authoritative (F)* –.32/–.01
Emotionality (M, F)–father authoritarian (M)* .25/.42
Emotionality (M, F)–mother authoritarian (F)* .33/.31
Emotionality (M, F)–father authoritative (M) –.04/–.16
Emotionality (M, F)–mother authoritative (F)* –.18/.00
Rubin et al. (1999) N = 60 Shyness (M) → mother encouragement of independence (M)* –.37
2–4 Years Shyness (F) → father encouragement of independence (F)* –.33
Sheeber and Johnson (1992) N = 77 Difficult (M)–maternal competence (M)* .28
3–4 Years
Mid-childhood/adolescent studies
Bezirganian and Cohen (1992) Longitudinal Difficult temperament (M) ← maternal control (C)* .20/.10
N = 776 Difficult temperament (M) ← maternal punishment (C)* .60/.37
1–20 Years Difficult temperament (M) ← maternal discipline(C)* .32/.17
Boys/girls Difficult temperament (M) ← paternal discipline (C)* .13/.27
Brody et al. (2002) N = 150 Self-regulation (T) ← maternal competence (M)* .35
11 Years
Brody et al. (2005) N = 332 Self-regulation (M) ← involved vigilant parenting (M)* .23
11 Years
Colman et al. (2006) N = 549 Self-regulation (M) ← maternal warmth (M)* .12 .08
4–9 Years Self-regulation (M) ← punitive discipline (M)* –.19 –.08
Coplan et al. (2009) N = 285 Dysregulation → overprotection (M) .06
6.25 Years Dysregulation (M) → coercive parenting (M) .08
Cross-sectional Dysregulation (M) → authoritative parenting (M)* –.15
Shyness (M) → overprotection (M)* .16
shyness (m) → coercive parenting (m) .08
Shyness (M) → authoritative parenting (M) –.06
Davidov and Grusec (2006) N = 106 Negative affect regulation (M) ← maternal responsiveness to distress (M)* .25
6–8 Years Negative affect regulation (M) ← maternal warmth (M) .14
Cross-sectional Negative affect regulation (M) ← paternal responsiveness to distress (F)* .24
Negative affect regulation (M) ← paternal warmth (F) .06
Eisenberg et al. (1999) N = 79 Externalizing emotion 6–8 years (M,T) → parental reactions 8–10 years (M)* .21
6–12 Years Externalizing emotion 8–10 years (M,T) → parental reactions 10–12 years (M) –.01
Regulation 6–8 years (M) → punitive reactions 8–10 years (M)* –.19
Regulation 8–10 years (M) → punitive reactions 10–12 years (M) –.05
Regulation 6–8 years (M) → parental distress 8–10 years (M) –.03
Regulation 8–10 years (M) → parental distress 10–12 years (M) –.02
Externalizing emotion 8–10 years (M) ← parental reactions 6–8 years (M,T) .16
Externalizing emotion 10–12 years (M) ← parental reactions 8–10 years (M,T)* .53
Regulation 8–10 years (M) ← punitive reactions 6–8 years (M) –.05
Regulation 10–12 years (M) ← punitive reactions 8–10 years (M)* –.70
Regulation 8–10 years (M) ← parental distress 6–8 years (M) –.14
Regulation 10–12 years (M) ← parental distress 8–10 years (M) –.02
Hawes and Dadds (2005) N = 56 Callous-unemotional (M) ← praise (I) n.s.
6 Years Callous-unemotional (M) ← time out (I) n.s.
Intervention Callous-unemotional (M) ← harsh parenting (I) n.s.
Lengua (2006) N = 190 Fearfulness (M, C) → rejection (M, C)* –.19
8–12 Years Fearfulness (M, C) → inconsistency (M, C) –.16
Longitudinal Irritability (M,C) → rejection (M, C) .08
Irritability (M, C) → inconsistency (M, C)* .19
Effortful control (M, C) → rejection (M, C)* –.38
Effortful control (M, C) → inconsistency (M, C) –.12
Fearfulness (M, C) ← rejection (M, C)* .15
Fearfulness (M, C) ← inconsistency (M, C)* –.22
Irritability (M, C) ← rejection (M, C)* .16
Irritability (M, C) ← inconsistency (M, C) .03
Effortful control (M, C) ← rejection (M, C) .03
Effortful control (M, C) ← inconsistency (M, C) .00
Lengua and Kovacs (2005) N = 92 Fearfulness (M, C) → acceptance (M, C)* .17
8–12 Years Fearfulness (M, C) → involvement (M, C) .07
Longitudinal Fearfulness (M, C) → inconsistent discipline (M, C) .02
Irritability (M, C) → acceptance (M, C) –.08
Irritability (M, C) → involvement (M, C) –.15
Irritability (M, C) → inconsistent discipline* .18
Self-regulation (M, C) → acceptance (M, C) .09
Self-regulation (M, C) → involvement (M, C) –.08
Self-regulation (M, C) → inconsistent discipline (M, C) –.02
Fearfulness (M, C) ← acceptance (M, C) .12
Fearfulness (M, C) ← involvement (M, C) –.03
Fearfulness (M, C) ← inconsistent discipline (M, C)* .31
Irritability (M, C) ← acceptance (M, C) –.01
Irritability (M, C) ← involvement (M, C) .02
Irritability (M, C) ← inconsistent discipline (M, C)* .21
Self-regulation (M, C) ← acceptance (M, C) .00
Self-regulation (M, C) ← involvement (M, C) –.03
Self-regulation (M, C) ← inconsistent discipline (M, C) –.10
Patridge (2003) N = 72 Inhibition (O)–empathy (M, F)* –.36
5–6 Years Inhibition (O)–appropriate expectations (M, F)* –.37
Cross-sectional Inhibition (O)–positive parenting (M, F)* –.28
Zhou et al. (2004) N = 425 Effortful control (M, F) ← authoritarian parenting (M, F)* –.31
7–10 Years Anger/frustration (M, F) ← authoritarian parenting (M, F)* .14
Cross-sectional Effortful control (M, F) ← authoritative parenting (M, F)* .16
Anger/frustration (M, F) ← authoritative parenting (M, F) .03

When two values are reported with a “/”, they are described in the study design column (e.g., boys/girls)

C child report, F father report, M mother report, N neuropsychological assessment, O observation, P physiological indicator, T teacher


p ≤ .05