Interaction between CD44 and MMP-9. (A) Western blot analysis of CD44Rgs derived from supernatants of TA3 cells transfected with corresponding CD44–Igs. Receptor globulins were immunoprecipitated with protein A beads and blotted with anti-CD44 mAb IM7.8. Supernatants were from TA3c cells (lane 1), and from TA3 cells transfected with immunoglobulin fusions of CD44H (lane 2), CD44v7 (lane 3), CD44v8-10 (lane 4), and CD44 v7-10 (lane 5). (B) Gelatin zymogram of TA3 cell lysates immunoprecipitated with protein A-purified human IgG (lane 1), CD44HRg (lane 2), CD44v7Rg (lane 3), CD44v8-10Rg (lane 4), CD44v7-10Rg (lane 5). (C,D) Gelatin zymogram (C), and Western blot analysis (D) of immunoprecipitates from TA3 cell lysates by use of anti-ICAM-1 mAb HB233 (lanes 1,2), anti-CD44 mAb KM81 (lanes 3,4), and anti-CD44 mAb KM201 (lanes 5,6). Immunoprecipitates in D were blotted with anti-MMP-9 antibody. (E) Supernatants of TA3 cells transiently transfected with constructs encoding soluble CD40-v5 (lane 1) and MMP-9-v5 (lanes 2,3) fusion proteins blotted with anti-v5 mAb. (F) Western blot analysis with anti-CD44 mAb IM7.8 of anti-v5 mAb immunoprecipitates from lysates of TA3 cells transiently transfected with v5-tagged soluble CD40 (lane 1) and MMP-9 (lanes 2,3, corresponding to two independent transfectants) constructs. (G) Gelatin zymogram of TA3 cell lysates immunoprecipitated with CD40Rg (lanes 1,2), CD44HRg (lanes 3,4), CD44HR43ARg (lanes 5,6). In each case, Rg fusion proteins from two independent transfectants were used. (Arrowheads) Molecular mass markers of 203, 116, and 83 kD (A), 116, 83, and 49 kD (B–F) and 116 and 83 kD (G). Bands corresponding to CD44Rgs, MMP-9, sCD40v5, and CD44 are indicated.