Figure 4.
Cdc7p and Spg1p colocalize with the spindle pole body component Sad1p. (A) spg1–HA cells were stained with anti-Sad1p antibodies and mAb 12CA5. Background fluorescence from secondary antibodies was used to show the cell outline. The lower cell is in interphase; the upper cell is undergoing anaphase. Sad1p was detected with FITC-conjugated secondary antibody, which gives green fluorescence, and Cdc7p was detected with CY3-conjugated secondary antibody, which gives red fluorescence. Colocalization of green and red gives a yellow color, that is seen in the merged image. The individual channels are shown in gray tones, the merged image is in color. (B) Wild-type cells were stained with DAPI, anti-Sad1p (raised in sheep), and anti-Cdc7p antibodies. A mitotic cell is shown. In the combined image, DAPI is shown in violet, Sad1p gives red fluorescence, and Cdc7p gives green fluorescence. Colocalization of Sad1p and Cdc7p on one pole results in yellow (see A) color.