Primer extension analysis of RNP complexes formed on CSFV and HCV IRES elements as follows. (A) CSFV (nucleotides 1–442)–NS′ and (B) HCV (nucleotides 340–372)–NS′ RNAs were incubated with (lane 2) or without eIF3 (lane 1) under standard conditions. Primers were annealed to the NS′-coding sequences of these RNAs and extended with AMV–RT. The full-length cDNA extension product is marked E. The cDNA products labeled A250, U304, and A243 on the right terminated at these nucleotides. The reference lanes C, T, A, and G depict the CSFV sequence (A) and the HCV sequence (B). Positions of CSFV and HCV nucleotides are indicated on the left of the appropriate panel.