Figure 7. Kip3p and Kip2p levels are reduced at the plus-ends of mutant microtubules.
Merged z-stack images showing the levels of Kip3p-3YFP (A–E, red) and Kip2p-3YFP (K–O, red) on WT and mutant microtubules labeled with CFP-Tub1p (α-tubulin, green) in budding yeast. Corresponding Kip3p (F–J) and Kip2p (P–T) YFP channels with signal intensities adjusted equally for WT and each TUB2 mutant are provided for comparison. In WT cells, Kip3p-3YFP (A, F) and Kip2p-3YFP (K, P) are speckled along the length and accumulate at the plus-ends of growing microtubules labeled by white arrows. In contrast, mutant R262C (B), R262H (C), E410K (D), and D417N (E) cells all have a significant reduction of Kip3p-3YFP along the length and plus-ends of microtubules (white-arrows), and Kip2p-3YFP is speckled along the length but reduced or absent on microtubule plus-ends (white-arrows) in R262C (L), R262H (M), E410K (N), and D417H (O) cells. Graphs depicting the overall mean levels of Kip3p-YFP (U) and Kip2p-3YFP (V) on microtubule plus-ends in WT and mutant cells. *P<0.05, ** P<0.001, *** P<0.0001.