Drug response of H929 multiple myeloma cells profiled by single-cell mass accumulation: Results of LCI longitudinal mass measurements on populations of H929 multiple myeloma cells, comparing the mass accumulation of DMSO-treated controls with TM-treated (10 μg/ml) cells. Data are taken over 5 h as described in Methods. The treated cells grow more slowly than do the controls. Experiments Nos. 2 and 3 were conducted at 32°C vs. 37°C for No. 1, which accounts for the slightly lower overall growth rates observed. The scatter plots (a and b) depict the growth of individual cells at 5 h versus their initial mass (normalized by initial mass). Error bars represent ± 2% CV, our estimate of the measurement error (see Methods). Error bars apply to all data, but are omitted for the majority of points in the plot for clarity. In the box plots of normalized mass versus time (c and d), circles indicate the sample median, and triangles indicate the 95% confidence interval for the median. Solid boxes indicate limits of the 25 and 75 percentiles, and whiskers represent two standard deviations from the mean.