Figure 3. 1-EBIO mediated augmentation of cAMP-induced and cholinergic Cl− secretion in human rectal biopsies does not depend on 293B-sensitive cAMP-dependent K+ channels.
(A) Original recording of effects of 1-EBIO (500 µM, basolateral) on cAMP-induced Cl− secretion (IBMX/forskolin) and cholinergic co-activation (CCH), and effects of 293B (10 µM, basolateral) on Cl− secretory responses in a rectal biopsy from a control subject. Experiments were performed in the presence of amiloride, indomethacin and IBMX/forskolin. (B, C) Summary of effects of 1-EBIO on cAMP-induced (B) and CCH-induced Cl− secretion (C) in the absence and presence of 293B in rectal tissues from control subjects. Data are presented as mean±SEM. n = 19 individuals per group. *P<0.001. (D) RT-PCR analysis detected transcripts of the 293B-sensitive K+ channel KCNQ1 (728 bp fragment) in the presence (+), but not in the absence of reverse transcriptase (-), in rectal biopsies from control and CF subjects.