Figure 4. In vivo genomic footprinting of the PRDM1 promoter reveals multiple protein-DNA interactions.
The RPMI8226 myeloma and CA46 lymphoma cell lines were analyzed with eight different primer sets to reveal interactions across the proximal 2618 base pairs of the PRDM1 promoter. Three regions which revealed contacts are shown: A) +15 to −170 bp, B) −1717 to −1951 bp, and C) −1889 to −2072 bp. In each pane the control lanes show the guanine residue sequence from deproteinized in vitro methylated DNA. The DMS lanes show the in vivo methylated residues. Protections (open circles) and enhancements (filled circles) are shown on the right side of each footprint panel and indicated in the sequence below. Clusters of contacts have been assigned arbitrary names as indicated along the left side and are boxed in the sequence. The bent arrow in panel A indicates the position of the transcription start site. A schematic of the footprint primers is shown in supplemental figure S1.