Quantification of relative EGFP fluorescence in specific tissues of 6dpf GF and CONVD Tg(NFkB:EGFP) zebrafish. (A) Areas quantified (outlined in green) include intestinal segment 1 (seg 1), segment 2 (seg 2), segment 3 including cloaca (seg 3), liver (lv), swim bladder (sb), neuromasts (nm), dorsal root ganglia (drg), and muscle (m). (B) Quantification of EGFP fluorescence shows significant induction in intestine and other digestive tract tissues of CONVD zebrafish compared to GF controls (10 fish/condition). (C) FACS histogram showing Log EGFP fluorescence in DsRed-positive intestinal epithelial cells (IECs) from 6dpf Tg(-4.5ifabp:DsRed)(NFKB:EGFP) GF and CONVD zebrafish. Data is representative of two biological replicates. (D) Wholemount confocal microscopy of EGFP fluorescence in swim bladder and liver in 6dpf GF and CONVD Tg(NFkB:EGFP) zebrafish. Scale bars: 10μm.