Figure 3. Imaging of PSmOrange in vivo.
(a) The photographs show whole body images of a mouse injected intramuscularly with 106 cells expressing mKate2 (left flank) or photoconverted PSmOrange (right flank). Right column: images presented in the left column in 605/30 nm and 640/30 nm excitation channels are shown with green and red pseudocolors, respectively. (b) Bar graphs of the total radiant efficiency corresponding to panel (a). Total radiant efficiency of mKate2 was set as 100% in 605/30 nm excitation channel, and total radiant efficiency of PSmOrange was set as 100% in 640/30 nm excitation channel. Error bars, s.d. (n = 3). (c) Photoconversion of PSmOrange in mammary tumor xenograft in a mouse. The photographs show whole body images at the indicated excitation and emission wavelengths before and after photoconversion. (d) Bar graphs of the total radiant efficiency corresponding to panel (c). Maximal total radiant efficiency in each channel was accepted as 100%. Error bars, s.d. (n = 4). In (a–d) the first and second numbers in 535 nm/580 nm, 605 nm/660 nm, and 640 nm/680 nm indicate excitation and emission wavelengths, respectively. In (a, c) black scale bars are 1 cm. Color scale bars represent the radiant efficiency in p s−1 sr−1 μW−1.