Figure 1. Flow chart of routine and enhanced follow-up in the Aconda ART program in Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire.
Legend to Figure 1:
Lost to follow up before month 6: (i) last contact with study team <month-6; (ii) not dead or transferred out before month-6; (iii) no further information on vital status being obtained during the 6 following months (between month-6 and month-12), or dead or transferred out between month-6 and month-12 and date of death or date of transfer >6 months after date of last contact with study team.
Lost to follow up before month 18: (i) last contact with study team <month-18; (ii) not dead or transferred out between month-6 and month-18; (iii) no further information on vital status being obtained during the 6 following months (between month-18 and month-24), or dead or transferred out between month-18 and month-24 and date of death or date of transfer >6 months after date of last contact with study team.
ART: antiretroviral therapy; LTFU: lost to follow-up