Fig. 2.
Bioassays of induction of penicillin biosynthesis by colonies of P. chrysogenum Wis 54-1255 using conditioned culture broths. (A) Conditioned culture broths of P. chrysogenum Wis 54-1255 and the penicillin nonproducer mutant npe10 in DP medium (72 h) concentrated 10 times were used for the bioassay. (B) Conditioned culture broths of A. chrysogenum N2 (A.c) in DP medium (72 h) and C. utilis (Y) in YED medium (48 h) were concentrated 2 and 6 times (for A. chrysogenum) or 2 times (for C. utilis) or used directly without any concentration step. MilliQ water was added as a control.