Fig. 4.
IDO protein is associated with granulomatous lesions containing acid-fast bacilli. Immunohistochemical staining for IDO protein levels or acid-fast bacilli within gut and LN tissues of sheep. (A) Ileum of an unexposed control sheep stained for IDO; (B) ileum from an infected sheep with multibacillary JD lesions stained for IDO (brown); (C) infected-sheep ileum, showing a region of diffuse IDO staining (brown) associated with granulomas (arrows); (D) same infected ileum section as in panel C stained using a Ziehl-Neelsen technique to detect acid-fast bacilli, visible as dark-pink staining within the granuloma; (E) unexposed control sheep ileal LN stained for IDO; (F) infected-sheep ileal LN stained for IDO, showing IDO staining (brown) associated with granulomatous lesions (arrows). Isotype control Ab staining was negative in all sections (not shown).