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. 2011 Sep;193(17):4307–4316. doi: 10.1128/JB.05074-11

Table 1.

Strains and plasmids used in this study

Strain, bacteriophage, or plasmid Genotype or relevant characteristicsa Source or reference
    E. coli
        DH5α recA1 endA1 hsdR17 supE44 thi-1 gyrA96 relA1Δ(lacZYA-argF)U169[φ80dlacZΔM15]FNaIr 38
        HB101 proA2 hsdS20(rBmB) recA13 ara-14 lacYI galK2 rpsL20 supE44 xyl-5 mtl-1F 38
        S17-1/λpir pro thi hsdR recAchromosome::RP4-2 Tc::Mu Km::Tn7pir; TprSmr 27, 41
        XL1-Blue recA1 endA1 gyrA96 thi-1 hsdR176 supE44 relA1 lac[F′ proAB lacIqZΔM15::Tn10(53)] Stratagene
    P. aeruginosa
        PAO1 Wild type 17
        PAO6358 PAO1 containing a 900-bp deletion in the rpoNlocus 16
        PAO6592 PAO1 containing a 1,296-bp deletion in the dctAlocus This study
        PAO6705 PAO1 containing a 1,798-bp deletion in the PA5165 (dctB) locus This study
        PAO6706 PAO1 containing a 1,377-bp deletion in the PA5166 (dctD) locus This study
        PAO6707 PAO1 containing a double deletion in the PA5165 locus (1,798 bp) and in the PA5166 locus (1,377 bp) This study
        PAO6708 PAO1 containing a 2,899-bp deletion in the PA5167-PA5169 (dctPQM) operon This study
        PAO6709 PAO1 containing a double deletion in the dctAlocus (1,296 bp) and in the dctPQM(PA5167-PA5169) operon (2,899 bp) This study
        PA6710 PAO6592 with PA5168::Tn5Gm; Gmr This study
        PA6815 PAO1 with PA5168::Tn5Gm; Gmr This study
    E79tv-2 Temperate, transducing variant of E79 29
    pLM1 Tn5Gm delivery vector; GmrApr 9
    pMMB67HE IncQ expression vector carrying an inducible tacpromoter; Ap/Cbr 11
    pME3087 Suicide vector for allelic replacement; Tcr; ColE1 replicon 51
    pME6015 Cloning vector for translational lacZfusions; Tcr 39
    pME6016 Cloning vector for transcriptional lacZfusions; Tcr 39
    pME9506 Plasmid carrying a transcriptional dctA-lacZfusion This study
    pME9507 Plasmid carrying a translational dctA′-′lacZfusion This study
    pME9508 Plasmid carrying a translational dctA′-′lacZfusion in which the rpoNputative box of the dctApromoter TGGCAC-N5-CTGCA was replaced with TACCAC-N5-CTTTA This study
    pME10031 Suicide construct used for deletion of the PA5165 gene; Tcr This study
    pME10032 Suicide construct used for deletion of the PA5166 gene; Tcr This study
    pME10033 Suicide construct used for deletion of the PA5167-PA5169 operon; Tcr This study
    pME10034 Plasmid carrying a transcriptional dctP-lacZfusion This study
    pME10035 Plasmid carrying a translational dctP′-′lacZfusion This study
    pME10036 Plasmid carrying a translational dctP′-′lacZfusion in which the rpoNputative box of the dctPQMpromoter TGGCAC-N5-TTGCT was replaced with TACCAC-N5-TTTTT This study
    pME10037 pMMB67HE with dctA This study
    pME10038 pMMB67HE with PA5165 This study
    pME10039 pMMB67HE with PA5166 This study
    pME10040 pMMB67HE with PA5167-PA5169 This study
    pME10041 Suicide construct used for deletion of the dctAgene; Tcr This study

Nalr, nalidixic acid resistance; Gmr, gentamicin resistance; Tcr, tetracycline resistance; Apr, ampicillin resistance; Smr, streptomycin resistance; Cbr, carbenicillin resistance; Tpr, trimethoprim resistance.