Fig. 1.
Percent fluctuations in weight. Prairie dogs were infected on day 0 with 3.8 × 105 PFU, and weights were measured every 2 days for a period of 30 days. The percent change in weight for each measurement was calculated from the starting weights on day 0 and is plotted as a function of days postinfection for each treatment group. Untreated animals (A) lost weight until death, except for animal PD6. Animals that received ST-246 treatment at rash onset (B) on day 10 (PD2, PD12, and PD14) or day 24 (PD3) lost weight during illness and regained weight upon recovery, except for PD12. Uninfected control animals (not shown) and animals that received ST-246 treatment beginning on day 0 (C) or day 3 (D) steadily increased in weight.