Fig. 3.
Bioluminescence in organs of mice pretreated with VIGIV prior to infections with WRvFire or IHD-J-Luc. Mice were inoculated i.p. with VIGIV (day −2) at 3 mg/animal (squares), 30 mg/animal (triangles), or with PBS (closed circles), and were infected i.n. (day 0) with WRvFire (A-D) or IHD-J-Luc vaccinia viruses (E-H). Animals were subjected to whole-body imaging for 10 days. Bioluminescence in the nasal cavity (A, E), lungs (B, F), liver (C, G), and spleen (D, H) was recorded and used to calculate mean total flux ± SD. For the numbers of animals per groups see legend to Fig. 2.