Histochemical localization of GUS expression in leaves, roots, flowers, and seeds of transgenic rice carrying the pOsSUT2::GUS construct. A and B, Cross-sections of leaf blades. C, Cross-sections of leaf sheaths. D, Roots. E, Spikelet before fertilization. F, Spikelet after fertili-zation. G, Immature seed at 3 to 4 DAF. H, Immature seed at 7 to 8 DAF. I, Transverse section of 7- to 8-DAF immature seed. J, Longitudinal section of 7- to 8-DAF immature seed. BS, Bundle sheath cell; C, cross cell layer; E, epidermis; En, endosperm; I, integument; L, lateral root; M, mesophyll cell; MC, mesocarp; N, nucellar epidermis; NP, nucellar projection; P, phloem cell; Pd, pedicel; T, tube cell layer; V, main vascular bundle; X, metaxylem.