Isolation and characterization of the ossut2 mutant. A, Schematic diagram of the rice OsSUT2 gene and the insertion position of the T-DNA. In ossut2, T-DNA is inserted into the fifth exon. UTR, Untranslated region. B, RT-PCR analysis of ossut2 and the complemented lines, Comp-3 and Comp-4. OsSUT2 transcripts are not detectable in the homozygous mutant, while the two complemented lines express OsSUT2 at higher levels than the wild type. UBQ5 and ACTIN1 are PCR controls. C, Four-week-old plants grown in the greenhouse. The leftmost plant is the wild type (WT). The ossut2 mutant and two complemented lines are shown left to right. D, Mature flowering plants of the wild type, ossut2, and complemented lines (left to right) grown in a rice paddy field. E, Husked grains of the same plants shown in D.