Carbon allocation, growth, and trehalase activity of seedlings on 100 mm trehalose. Seedlings were grown under long-day conditions for 14 d on medium with 100 mm sorbitol osmoticum control (sorb) or trehalose (tre). A, Starch staining. Seedlings were harvested at midday, stained with Lugol, and mounted in chloral hydrate. WT, Wild-type Col-0 seedlings; pgm1, seedlings lacking Plastidic Phosphoglucomutase1 (Caspar et al., 1985); 93-1, seedlings from FOX line 93-1. Bars = 3 mm. B, Root lengths. Average root lengths from more than 20 seedlings of the different genotypes with sd are shown. treF, Seedlings overexpressing E. coli trehalase treF; 128, 89-1, 89-3, 33-1G, 33-1, 93-1, and 93-32, lines from the FOX collection of FOX pools 128, 89, 33, and 93. C, Trehalase activity in extracts of seedlings grown on trehalose for 14 d. The data are averages with sd of three independent extracts. * P < 0.050 by ANOVA.