Do KIN10 and bZIP11 act in the same pathway? A, Expression of targets common to KIN10 and bZIP11. Seedlings of the wild type were grown for 14 d on 100 mm either sorbitol (sorb) or trehalose (tre) and collected at midday. Expression was determined by Q-PCR relative to PP2A, then normalized to the level of expression on sorbitol. B, Soluble sugars Suc, Glc, and Fru in the seedlings with the genotype wild type (Col-0), treF expressors (treF), bZIP11 expressors from line 93 (93) and 33 (33), wild-type Ler (Ler), and KIN10-overexpressing lines O1 and O2. In A and B, levels are averages of three biological replicates, and error bars represent sd. FW, Fresh weight. C, Phenotypes of bZIP11-expressing seedlings on trehalose in continuous darkness. After 78 h at 4°C, seed were exposed to light and 22°C for 6 h, then grown for 14 d in continuous darkness on medium with 100 mm either sorbitol or trehalose. WT, Wild type Col-0; 33-1-1 and 33-1-2, seeds from two plants of FOX line 33-1; 93-3-2, seeds from FOX line 93. D, Phenotype of KIN10-expressing seedlings on trehalose in continuous darkness. Seeds were treated as in C. WT, Wild type Ler; KIN10oe, seeds from the O2 line (Baena-González et al., 2007).