Inhibition of the effect of MAGL by cannabigerol (CBG), a CBG-botanical drug substance (CBG-BDS) as such or rendered free of CBG (denoted as BDS), and the reconstituted CBG-BDS (denoted as CBG-BDS reconstituted). Experiments were carried out in homogenates from COS cells and are means ± SEM of at least n = 3 separate experiments. ‘CBG-BDS reconstituted’ was obtained by mixing the amount of CBG present in a given amount of CBG-BDS and the remaining amount of the ‘CBG-free’ BDS. The concentrations tested of ‘CBG-BDS reconstituted’ were calculated to contain equimolar concentrations of CBG as in pure CBG. BDS, botanical drug substance; CBG, cannabigerol; MAGL, monoacylglycerol lipase.