Figure 3.
bon maps to LG20. (A) Schematic representation of part of LG20. bon maps ∼2.2 cM proximal to the SSR marker Z13626 (134 meioses), 3.9cM proximal to bmp2b (153 meioses), 5.8 cM proximal to Z3954 (134 meioses) and ∼12 cM distal to Z20046 (25 meioses). Radiation hybrid mapping using the Goodfellow panel placed Z7171 about 22 cR distal to Z3954. (B) Schematic representation of wild-type and mutant Bon proteins. The bonm425 mutation leads to a truncation in the homeodomain, whereas the bons9 mutation introduces a single amino acid substitution (valine-to-alanine) in the third (DNA recognition) helix of the homeodomain. (C) Comparison of the Bon, CMIX, Mml, Mix.1, and Mixer homeodomains. The Bon homeodomain shares the highest level of identity (70%) with the CMIX and Mml homeodomains. The asterisk indicates the highly conserved valine residue mutated in bons9. (D,E) Lateral view (D) and animal pole view (E) of wild-type embryos at 50% epiboly. bon is expressed in all cells of the blastoderm margin.