Figure 5.
Nucleolin and YB-1 are required for JNK-induced IL-2 RNA stabilization in vitro. (A) Immunoblot analysis with anti-nucleolin (lanes 1–5), anti-YB-1 (lanes 6–10), or anti-La (lanes 11,12) of Jurkat S100 fraction that was untreated (lanes 1,4,6,9,11) or passed (three times) through protein A-agarose beads containing anti-nucleolin (lanes 2,7), anti-YB-1 (lanes 3,8), or anti-La (lanes 5,10,12). (B) The immunodepleted supernatants were preincubated with activated JNK2 (JNKK+JNK), purified nucleolin or YB-1, or activated JNK2 plus nucleolin or YB-1 (as indicated) and used to examine the decay of wild-type IL-2 RNA. (C,D) Quantitation of IL-2 RNA decay in three independent experiments identical to those shown in B. (C) (○) anti-La + GST; (●) anti-La + JNKK + JNK; (▴) anti-nucl. + JNKK + JNK; (▪) anti-YB1 + JNKK + JNK. (D) (○) anti-nucl. + nucl.; (●) anti-nucl. + nucl. + JNKK + JNK; (▴) anti-YB1 + YB1; (█) anti-YB1 + YB1 + JNKK + JNK.