Figure 1. Mutation of the rsh gene does not influence conditioning or place memory tested directly after training.
Following a 30 s pre-test period (black bars), wild-type CS and rsh1 mutant flies were trained in two equal length periods for a total of either 6 or 20 min with 41°C (light gray bars). A 3 min memory was tested directly following in the post-test period (dark gray bars). The training, retention intervals, and testing patterns (both pre and post) are diagrammed for each panel, the time axis is not to scale. (A), Conditioning and memory tests were similar between the genotypes with 6 min of training (N = 331; pre-test: U = 12753.5, z = 1.07, P = 0.28; 1st training period: U = 11877.0, z = 2.08, P = 0.04; 2nd training period: U = 12888.5, z = 0.92, P = 0.36; post-test: U = 13237.0, z = 0.51, P = 0.61). (B) Conditioning and memory tests were also similar between the genotypes with 20 min of training (N = 232; pre-test: U = 6106.5, z = 1.22, P = 0.22; 1st training period: U = 5740.5, z = 1.93, P = 0.06; 2nd training period: U = 5802.0, z = −1.81, = 0.07; post-test: U = 6463.0, z = −0.52, P = 0.60). (C) The rsh gene is necessary for normal short-term place memory. Flies were trained with intermittent training and then held for varying times (1 – 40 min) before being tested for memory with a short reminder training. The rsh1 flies had memory performance similar to wild-type CS levels with a 1 min delay between training and the memory test (N = 447, U = 24641.5, z = 0.24, P = 0.8). Significant differences were found at several time points following training (10 min: N = 295, U = 8637.0, z = .02, ** = P<0.01; 20 min: N = 330, U = 10074.5, z = 3.95, *** = P<0.001; 30 min: N = 311, U = 10926.0, z = 1.45, P = 0.1; 40 min: N = 351, U = 12941.5, z = 2.48, ** = P<0.01). The values are means and error bars represent s.e.m.