Effect of LPS on ovarian hormone regulation of anxiety-like behavior in CD-1 mice. A, Time spent in the light compartment of the light/dark box. (*, p<0.05 vs. oil) EB followed by P increased the amount of time spent in the light compartment by saline- treated mice, regardless of age of treatment. LPS treatment at 6 weeks old reversed the direction of the effects of EB followed by P, whereas LPS treatment at 8 weeks old did not alter the EB followed by P-induced increase time spent in the light compartment. B, Time spent on the open arms of the elevated plus maze. (*, p<0.05 vs. oil) EB followed by P increased the amount of time saline-treated mice spent on the open arms. LPS treatment at 6 weeks old prevented the EB followed by P-induced increase in time spent on the open arms. LPS treatment at 8 weeks did not alter the effect of EB followed by P. C, Ratio of open/closed arm entries in the elevated plus maze. (*, p<0.05 vs. oil) EB followed by P increased the ratio of open/closed arm entries. D. Latency to bury marbles in the marble burying test. (*, p<0.05) EB followed by P increased the latency to bury in saline-treated mice. LPS treatment at 6 weeks old prevented the EB followed by P-induced increase in latency to bury, whereas LPS treatment at 8 weeks did not alter the effect of EB followed by P. (Numbers at base of bars indicates sample size per group.)