Figure 8.
Centrosome amplification in G1/S-arrested cells by expression of exogenous Plk4. A: Histograms of the average numbers of centrosomes counted in mock transfected (blue), and transfected cells expressing (yellow) and non-expressing (brown) GFP-tagged chicken Plk4 during PP1 treatment. B: Cells expressing and non-expressing GFP-Plk4 (B2) were stained with γ-tubulin antibody (B1). After treatment with 5 μM PP1 for 22 hr, cells were transfected with GFP-Plk4 and further cultured prior to fixation at 48 and 68 hr. A merged image with DAPI-staining is shown in B3. Only cells expressing GFP-Plk4 amplified centrosomes. Bar, 10 μm.