Figure 3.
Levels of PrPC in different brain regions of patients with differing levels of cognitive impairment. Representative western blot analyses of brain homogenates from NCI, aMCI, mAD and AD patients are shown. Anti-PrP 6H4 (A–C) and 3F4 (D–F) antibodies were used to compare the levels of PrPC among the groups. Actin levels are shown below the 6H4 and 3F4 immunoblots. NCI: lanes 1–4. aMCI: 5–8. mAD: 9–12. AD: 13–16. Three brain regions including the frontal (A, D, G and J), temporal (B, E, H and K) cortices and hippocampus (C, F, I and L) were analyzed. Molecular markers indicated are 53, 36, 28 and 19 kDa. Graphs in (G–L) include analyses of all samples from each group. For each sample, levels of total PrPC were measured by densitometry. For each sample, levels of actin were also assessed. Each PrP value was normalized to its actin value. Means and standard deviations were calculated for each patient group and expressed as the percent value relative to the NCI group.