Figure 4.
E-MAP-115 expression in mouse embryos and testis. E-MAP-115 expression was examined in ROSA63 heterozygous mutants by X-gal staining. (A) E10.5 embryo. (ba) Branchial arch; (e) eye; (fg) foregut; (fp) floor plate; (np) nasal placode; (ov) otic vesicle. Transverse sections of E12.5 (B) and E14.5 (C) embryos at the kidney/gonad level. The E12.5 embryo section was counterstained with Nuclear Fast Red. The E14.5 embryo was cut using a vibratome prior to staining. (du) Duodenum; (go) gonad; (hg) hindgut; (ki) kidney; (li) liver; (md) mesonephric duct; (mg) midgut; (mt) mesonephric tubule; (pa) pancreas; (rf) roof plate; (st) stomach; (te) testis. (D) A 3-month-old testis. (L) Leydig cell; (Se) Sertoli cell; (lu) lumen of the seminiferous tubule; (tc) testis capsule. Artificial shrinkage of the seminiferous tubule occurred due to mild fixation to protect the β-gal activity. Although some background staining was detected in Leydig cells from the wild-type testis, the staining was much darker in the heterozygote. Bars, 300 μm (A–C); 30 μm (D).