Fig. 1.
Abdominal surgery induces Fos expression in nesfatin-1 immunopositive neurons in the rat supraoptic nucleus (SON). Fasted rats were exposed to 7-10 min anesthesia alone (control, A) or combined with abdominal surgery and cecal palpation (surgery, B) and euthanized 120 min later. Brains were processed for immunohistochemical detection of Fos (dark blue) and nesfatin-1 (brown) in the SON (A-B). The insert in B shows a higher magnification of activated neurons co-localizing with nesfatin-1 in the SON. Scale bars: 100 μm in A and B and 10 μm in the insert. Unilateral cell count/section in the SON after abdominal surgery (C). Data are mean ± SEM of 6 rats/group. ** p < 0.001. opt = optic tract.