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. 2011 Aug 30;5:95. doi: 10.3389/fnins.2011.00095

Table 1.

Summary of array datasets and network parameters.

Brain Bank Study dataset Conditions Species Array platform Nominal brain region Control samples Disease samples Samples used in network Network nodes Optimal Pearson threshold Mean Clustering coefficient (CC) Mean non- zero CC Scale-free? Assortativity
Columbia Sibille et al. (2004) Depression Human Affy
U133a + 2
BA 9 15 15 30 22277 0.82 0.14 0.38 Yes 0.49
Columbia Sibille et al. (2004) Depression Human Affy
U133a + 2
BA 47 15 15 30 22277 0.82 0.15 0.42 Yes 0.53
Pittsburgh Sibille et al. (2009) Depression Human Affy
U133a + 2
Amygdala 14 14 28 26199 0.85 0.20 0.48 Yes 0.26
Pittsburgh Sibille et al. (2009) Depression Human Affy
U133a + 2
BA 25 14 14 28 26199 0.85 0.16 0.51 Yes 0.47
Pittsburgh Tripp et al. (submitted) Depression Human Affy
U133a + 2
BA 9 29 29 58 29211 0.8 0.16 0.55 Yes 0.46
Pittsburgh Tripp et al. (submitted) Depression Human Affy
U133a + 2
BA 25 28 28 56 29211 0.8 0.14 0.53 Yes 0.35
Stanley Feinberg et al. Depression Human Affy
Cerebellum 14 13 50 12453 0.8 0.15 0.50 Yes 0.47
Stanley Bipolar Human Affy U95av2 Cerebellum 12
Stanley Schizophrenia Human Affy U95av2 Cerebellum 11
Stanley Altar (B) et al. Depression Human Agilent BA 46/10 10 20 39 12235 0.82 0.14 0.38 Yes 0.61
Stanley Schizophrenia Human Agilent BA 46/10 9
Stanley Altar (C) et al. Depression Human Affy U133a BA 46 10 11 44 22383 0.85 0.19 0.50 Yes 0.28
Stanley Bipolar Human Affy U133a BA 46 12
Stanley Schizophrenia Human Affy U133a BA 46 11
Stanley Skyler (A) et al. Depression Human Affy
BA 8/9 12 11 47 12453 0.79 0.44 0.65 Yes 0.09
Stanley Bipolar Human Affy
BA 8/9 11
Stanley Schizophrenia Human Affy
BA 8/9 13
Stanley Skylar (B) et al. Depression Human Affy
Cerebellum 10 13 46 12453 0.84 0.31 0.50 Yes 0.20
Stanley Bipolar Human Affy
Cerebellum 11
Stanley Schizophrenia Human Affy
Cerebellum 12
Stanley Iwamoto et al. (2004) Depression Human Affy
BA 10 15 11 50 12453 0.82 0.18 0.53 Yes 0.38
Stanley Bipolar Human Affy U95av2 BA 10 11
Stanley Schizophrenia Human Affy U95av2 BA 10 13
Stanley Aston et al. (2005) Depression Human Affy
BA 21 19 13 59 12453 0.79 0.26 0.56 Yes 0.10
Stanley Bipolar Human Affy U95av2 BA 21 12
Stanley Schizophrenia Human Affy U95av2 BA 21 15
na Surget et al. (2009) UCMS Mouse MOE 430_2 Amygdala 6 6 24 25859 0.83 0.17 0.35 Yes 0.50
na UCMS + FLX Mouse MOE 430_2 Amygdala 6
na UCMS + CRF1A Mouse MOE 430_2 Amygdala 6
na Surget et al. (2009) UCMS Mouse MOE 430_2 Cingulate cortex 6 6 24 25859 0.78 0.24 0.32 Yes 0.48
na UCMS + FLX Mouse MOE 430_2 Cingulate cortex 6
na UCMS + CRF1A Mouse MOE 430_2 Cingulate cortex 6
na Surget et al. (2009) UCMS Mouse MOE 430_2 Dentate gyrus 6 6 24 25859 0.87 0.09 0.43 Yes 0.65
na UCMS + FLX Mouse MOE 430_2 Dentate gyrus 6
na UCMS + CRF1A Mouse MOE 430_2 Dentate gyrus 6

Array datasets from different cohorts, brain regions, and species were used to create a set of coexpression networks, in which we tested several connectivity-to-expression relationships. Figures showing meta-analysis (Figures 4D and 5D) combine equally-weighted results from every study listed. The amygdala dataset (Sibille et al., 2009) was used to illustrate specific results in Figures 1-5. Two of the datasets are under review (Guilloux et al., submitted; Tripp et al., submitted), and results from all other datasets have been published previously. Several datasets were downloaded from the Stanley Medical Research Institute (Higgs et al., 2006) and when a specific publication is not associated with those datasets, they are referenced as listed on