(a) A digital elevation model showing reported malaria resurgence in high altitude regions of East Africa: Debre Zeit, Ethiopia (A) (A.N. Tulu, PhD thesis, University of London, 1996); Kericho, Kenya (B) [30,31]; Kabale, Uganda (C) [49,50]; Gikonko, Rwanda (D) [34]; Muhanga, Burundi (E) [51]; Amani, Tanzania (F) [32,33]; and Analaroa, Madagascar (G) [52]. The highland areas surrounding A–E are extensive and the sites are not spatially isolated ‘highland’ islands. F and G have been included so as to be comprehensive regarding cited reports of malaria resurgences in highland areas. (b) Percentage change of incidence of Plasmodium falciparum malaria (1980–2000). Data are for the longest interval that cases were reported during this period. Where possible, a five-year average annual incidence was taken at the temporal extremes of the data.