Table I.
References | Country | Age range (years) |
Disability identified | Study methods | Sensitivity analyzed? |
Cost or cost-effective analyzed? |
Gona et al. [10] | Kenya | 9–15 | Difficulties in: seeing, hearing, walking, speaking, learning; epilepsy |
PRA | No | Yes |
Heymann [23] | Cameroon | Children | Paralytic poliomyelitis | KI and survey | No | Yes |
Kaamugisha and Feksi [20] |
Kenya | 0 to adult | Epilepsy | KI and survey | Yes | No |
Kumar et al. [24] | India | 0–14 | poliomyelitis | KI and survey | No | Yes |
Kuruvilla and Joseph [16] |
India | 0 to adult | Difficulties in: seeing, hearing, walking, speaking, learning; epilepsy |
House-to-house survey and PRA |
No | No |
Muhit et al. [25] | Bangladesh | 0–15 | Childhood blindness | KI and survey | No | Yes |
Mung’ala-Odera and Newton [8] |
Kenya | Not available | All | PRA and KI | Yes | No |
Pal et al. [9] | India | Children | Childhood epilepsy | KI and survey | Yes | Yes |
Saeed [26] | Pakistan | Children | Childhood disability | KI | No | Yes |
Swaddiwudhipong et al. [27] |
Thailand | 0 to adults | Physical, visual, communication disorders |
KI | No | No |
Thorburn et al. [28] | Jamaica | 2–9 | Childhood disabilities | KI and survey | Yes | No |