Place fields on the helix. (a) Firing patterns of 8 place cells on the track, as seen from overhead (left and middle, details as in Fig. 1b) or decomposed into firing rate histograms from individual coils (right). Data represent up- or down-going runs, but not both. Peak rates (Hz) are shown in black text for the overhead rate maps. Colour bar shows percentages of peak firing. (b) Schematic of the helical track. (c) Between-coil field correlation (median +/− quartiles) for place fields vs. dummy place fields (left) and lateral shift (median +/− quartiles) that maximised between-coil correlations for place fields and dummy place fields (right). (d) Major (long or vertical) and minor (short or horizontal) field axes (left), and aspect ratios (right), for place fields on the helix vs. the flat environments (mean +/− s.e.m.). F = Flat, Hx = Helix. (e) Distribution of place field peaks across the vertical extent of the helix. (f) Comparison of place field size for the five-coil and six-coil configurations of the track.