Figure 3. A. Attraction to females.
Adult ecd1 males treated at 29°C to reduce ecdysteroid availability court females at levels similar to those of wild-type males. B. Courtship preference. At left, adult ecd1 males treated at 29°C court females (CI1) and males (CI2) when offered a choice of decapitated mature virgin male and female targets in the same experiment. In contrast, wild-type males almost exclusively court the female target. Both wild-type (Canton-S) and ecd1 males significantly prefer to court females over males (compare CI1 with CI2; ** indicates p < 0.01; *** indicates p < 0.001). In these choice experiments, the total duration of courtship to both targets (CI1 + CI2) was significantly higher in ecd1 males than in wild-type (right diagram). The duration of all unilateral wing extension, tapping, licking, and attempting copulation in a ten-minute period was measured. P values are from Wilcoxon Matched Pairs test (left) and t-test (right), whiskers indicate SEM.