Figure 1.
Analysis of thymus lobular subcapsular region. Bar graph showing morphometric analysis of nerve fibers running along vessels and branching into the parenchyma. Data are reported as Area of nerve fibers ×103 µm2, evaluated on standard field of analysis (see Materials and Methods section). White bar: Bodian's method positive nerve fibers (p.f.); Black bar: AChE p.f.; Grey bar: cathecolaminergic p.f.. Sym: Sympathectomised experimental group; T-Psy: Total Parasympathectomised experimental group; P-Psy: Partial Parasympathectomised experimental group; Phr: phrenectom-ised experimental group. Statistical significance between data related to experimental groups: a=P<0.05 vs sham group; b=P<0.05 vs sham and sympathectomy groups; c=P<0.05 vs sham, sympathectomy and total parasympathectomy groups; d=P<0.05 vs sham, sympathectomy, total and partial parasympathectomy groups; e=P<0.05 vs sympathectomy, total and partial parasympathectomy groups; f=P<0.05 vs total and partial parasympathectomy groups. Statistical significance between data obtained by different techniques used, in the same experimental group: °=P<0.05 vs Bodian p.f.; °°=P<0.05 vs AChE and Cathecol p.f.