Figure 2.
Gene expression, chemotaxis, cGMP production, and actin polymerization in the piaA− cells. (A) Wild-type and piaA− cells were developed in suspension with or without addition of 100 nm cAMP pulses. Samples were taken at times indicated, separated on 10% SDS-PAGE gels, and transferred onto a polyvinyldifluoride membrane. Blots were each cut horizontally, and respective halves were probed with polyclonal antisera against ACA and cAR1, respectively. (B) Wild-type and piaA− cells were developed for 5 hr with the addition of 100 nm cAMP at 6-min intervals. Cells were examined for chemotaxis to cAMP in a microneedle assay as described in Materials and Methods. At time 0 min, a microneedle filled with cAMP solution was positioned to stimulate the cells. The response of the cells at time 4 min is shown on the right. (C,D) Cells were developed as in B. cAMP-induced cGMP production (C) and actin polymerization (D) were assayed as described. Means of two to four experiments are shown.