Figure 2.
cDNA sequence and predicted protein product of sel-10. Splice junctions are indicated by arrows below the DNA sequence. The first arrow indicates the SL1 splice junction. The F-Box (Kumar and Paietta 1995, Bai et al. 1996) and the WD40 repeats are overlined and labeled in the Figure. The lesions in sel-10(ar41) and sel-10(ar28) are indicated with reverse contrast letters in the nucleotide sequence and a bold asterisk above the amino acid; both are G to A transitions resulting in W to stop codon changes in the amino acid sequence at residues 323 and 511, respectively. The cDNA termination codon is marked with an asterisk. A sequence conforming to the consensus polyadenylation signal sequence is underlined, and sites of polyA attachment are marked in bold. Two independent cDNAs contained polyA 14 nucleotides downstream of this signal; two alternative sites of attachment were also observed. Sequence information has been submitted to GenBank (accession no. AF020788).