Figure 3.
(a) Diagram for mismatch repair avoidance using proximal modified bases that can prevent MutS recognition and activation of the MutHLS complex. (b) Use of proximal modified bases 5-Methyl-dC (grey bars) and 2′-Fluoro-deoxyUridine (black bars) to improve the AR efficiency of different mismatch types. In a mutS(+) strain, efficiencies of oligos with 2′-Fluoro-U and 5-Methyl-dC bases within 5 bp from the mismatch are compared with oligos that do not contain modified bases (white bars). The mean and ranges of values are shown for n = 2. (c) AR efficiency for the same oligos as (b), but in a mutS(−) strain. Variation in the AR efficiency of different oligos in a mutS(−) background is attributed to the impact of oligo sequences and local structural variations of the genome on annealing and folding characteristics. The mean and ranges of values are shown for n=2.