λN-AA and λN-L1-AA mediated immunity in clp mutants. Isogenic strains expressing λN-AA or λN-L1-AA were grown in tryptone broth with ampicillin and plated on LB–Amp plates in top agar. Ten-microliter serial dilutions of λcI− or λc17 phage were spotted, plates were incubated overnight at 32°C, and an approximate eop was calculated relative to plating on the wild-type strain SG22163 transformed with pBR322. E. coli strains: wild-type (SG22163); clpP (SG22174); clpA (SG22176); clpX SG22177); and clpAclpX (SG22178). In control experiments, the heteroimmune phage λimm21cI, whose operators are not repressed by amino-terminal domain variants of λ repressor, plated with an eop of 1 on all strains containing λN-AA or λN-L1-AA and on wild-type strains expressing λN-DD or λN-L1-DD. λcI− and λc17 plated with an eop of 10−4 or less on wild-type strains expressing λN-DD or λN-L1-DD.