Table 2.
Health influences related to phase of mobility (modified from Gushulak and MacPherson41)
Phase | Examples | Outcomes/risks |
Existing pre-departure influences | Endemic diseases | Departure/arrival with health indicators of origin: |
Level of development | Differing incidence and prevalence of illness | |
Access to care | Differences in awareness of and use of health-care services: | |
Availability of care | Preventive | |
Differences in linguistic and cultural background as compared with destination | Promotional | |
Diagnostic | ||
Possible forced or nonvoluntary departure from emergency situations | Therapeutic | |
Influences during travel | Trauma (physical and mental) | Greater prevalence of illness resulting from torture, trauma, abuse, and climatic exposure |
Deprivation | ||
Violence | Refugees | |
Climatic exposure | Refugee claimants or asylum seekers | |
Injury | Unauthorized migrants, including trafficked/smuggled migrants | |
Post-arrival influences | Administrative/legal restrictions on access to services or care | Awareness of and access to health services by migrants may be limited by immigration status, poverty, language, culture, and discrimination |
Poverty | ||
Language and cultural isolation | Working conditions may be associated with health risks, | |
Occupational risks | exploitation, and abuse: | |
Duration of stay at destination | Migrant agricultural laborers | |
Commercial sex workers | ||
Illegal workers | ||
Trafficked migrants | ||
Health influences associated with return travel | Changed health environment at origin (health systems improvements or declines) | Introduction of disease, acquired abroad, into home country Populations making return journeys to the place of origin (particularly children born at new destination) may be at increased risk of disease or illness: |
Children of foreign-born parents may have no exposure to risks present at origin | Visiting friends and relative travelers | |
Locally born children of foreign-born parents | ||
Risks may return to new home after visit or may be introduced during travel |