Figure 1.
Altered morphology and architecture of capillaries during premalignant neovascularization. Immunohistochemical staining of 5-μm paraffin-embedded tissue sections for CD31 expressed on capillary endothelial cells (red staining) counterstained with methyl green in (A) normal nontransgenic (-lm) ear skin, (B) hyperplastic (hyp) ear skin, (C) dysplastic (dys) ear skin, (D) ear WDSC, (E) truncal M-PDSC center, and (F) the invasive front (Inv front) of a truncal M-PDSC with arrows indicating direction of tumor expansion. (Dashed line) Epidermal–dermal interface or location of skin basement membrane zone; (e) epidermis. Bar, 44.6 μm (A–F).