Fig. 8.
Src(S75A) and Cdk5 inhibition increases the stability of Src. Cells were transfected with Src-V5 or Src(S75A)-V5 (a, b), and with non-targeting oligonucleotides or siCdk5 (c, d), then metabolically labeled with [35S] methionine for 2 h, and chased with nonradioactive medium for 9 h. a Autoradiogram of 35S -labeled proteins immunoprecipitated with V5 antibody from a representative experiment. b The time-dependent decrease in radiolabeled Src-V5 (diamonds) and Src(S75A) (squares) were plotted on a log-linear scale and regression analysis was used to determine the best-fit straight line. Statistical significance at 9 h was evaluated using one-way ANOVA (*p < 0.05, n = 3). c Autoradiogram of 35S -labeled protein immunoprecipitated with antibody to Src shows the time-dependent decrease in endogenous Src protein. d Radiolabeled Src from three experiments was quantified and plotted as shown in b