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. 2000 Aug 1;14(15):1958–1970.

Figure 3.

Figure 3

The effect of fin219 on light-regulated development and gene expression (A). Effect of the fin219 mutation on selected light-regulated responses. (a) Far-red-light-inducible germination. The germination ratio was determined for the seeds that were irradiated with far-red intensity light for 15 min and kept in darkness at 22°C for 7 days (FR) or seeds kept in complete darkness without exposure to any light for 7 days (D) (n = 200). Error bars represent standard deviations. (b) Far-red block of greening. Seedlings grown in darkness for 4 days (D) or under far-red light for 4 days (FR) were transferred into white light (L, ∼30 μmoles/m2 per sec) for 4 days before extraction of chlorophyll. (c,d) Sucrose dependency of the elongation of hypocotyls and anthocyanin accumulation. Seeds were grown on GM plates containing various concentrations of sucrose from 0% to 1% for 3 days under continuous far-red light. (WT) Wild-type Columbia. (B) fin219 affects far-red induction of the CHS and CAB genes. Ten micrograms of total RNA was isolated from 3-day-old dark-grown seedlings that had been exposed to far-red light or kept in darkness for 2 hr. The membrane was hybridized with CHS and CAB3 probes. The stained RNA gel was photographed and the 25S rRNA bands are shown as an equal loading control.