Figure 1.
The DBF4 gene complements both the heat-sensitive suppression and the cold-sensitive growth phenotype of mts2-1. mts2-1::DBF4 contains a wild-type DBF4 gene integrated at the dbf4 locus of mts2-1. Yeast cells were streaked onto YEPD plates and grown at 38.5°C for 3 days (A), or at 14°C for 7 days (B). (C) The result of the tetrad analysis of a diploid strain that is mcm2-1 homozygous and dbf4-3 heterozygous (mcm2-1 dbf4-3/mcm2-1 DBF4; see Materials and Methods for construction of the strain). Tetrads were dissected on YEPD plates and grown at 30°C for 3 days.